
A DACA Recipient’s Guide to Studying Abroad


The process can seem daunting and complex for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients interested in studying abroad. However, an enriching international education experience is possible with proper planning and guidance.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the key steps, requirements, and considerations for DACA students looking to study abroad. You’ll learn how to navigate the application process, maintain your legal status, secure funding sources, and make the most of this incredible opportunity.

Whether you dream of immersing yourself in another culture, gaining global professional experience, or simply expanding your worldview, studying abroad can be a life-changing endeavor. This guide empowers you with the tools and knowledge to pursue your academic goals with confidence.

Evaluating Your DACA Status and Eligibility

Before embarking on the study abroad journey, it’s crucial to understand your current DACA status and how it may impact your plans.


This section provides an overview of eligibility criteria, legal considerations, and potential obstacles DACA students may face when studying abroad. It covers:

  • Reviewing DACA renewal dates and expiration timeline
  • Understanding Advance Parole requirements and limitations
  • Navigating regulations around international travel
  • Assessing potential risks or consequences of leaving the U.S.

Checking DACA Renewal Timelines

Easy-to-scan bulleted list:

  • DACA Expiration Date: Ensure your DACA does not expire while abroad
  • Renewal Timeline: Factor in renewal processing times (often 6+ months)
  • Travel Logistics: Consider program dates and transit times

Advance Parole Eligibility

As a DACA recipient, you will need to obtain Advance Parole from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) before traveling outside the United States. Advance Parole acts as a re-entry permit, allowing you to return to the country after international travel.

To qualify, you must prove that your intended travel is for educational, employment, or humanitarian purposes. The application process involves submitting forms, providing documentation, and paying fees. Processing times can take several months, so be sure to apply well in advance of your intended travel dates.

It’s important to understand the limitations of Advance Parole as well. It does not guarantee re-entry into the U.S., nor does it provide any additional immigration status benefits. USCIS retains discretion in approving or denying parole applications, even for DACA recipients. There are potential risks involved with international travel.

Consulting an experienced immigration attorney is highly recommended to fully understand regulations, risks, and your specific situation before making study abroad plans.

An attorney can review your case, ensure you meet all eligibility criteria, and advise you on maintaining compliance throughout your travels and re-entry process. This legal guidance is invaluable for avoiding any missteps that could jeopardize your DACA status.

External resource: USCIS – Travel Documents

Finding DACA Friendly Study Abroad Programs

Once you’ve assessed your DACA eligibility, the next step is identifying study abroad programs amenable to DACA student participation. This section shares tips and trusted resources.

What to Look For

When researching potential programs, seek out those with:

  • Experience hosting and supporting DACA participants
  • Advisors and staff knowledgeable about DACA policies
  • Location-specific visa/entrance requirements for DACA travelers
  • Positive reviews and testimonials from past DACA students

While no official centralized database exists, several organizations work to compile DACA-friendly program listings.

Ask Your University for Support

Don’t overlook the resources available through your home college or university! Many institutions have dedicated staff and programs in place to assist undocumented and DACA students, such as:

  • Undocumented/DACA student advisors and resource centers
  • Partnerships with DACA-approved study-abroad providers
  • Funding opportunities like scholarships and grants

Pro Tip: Connect early with your school’s international education or multicultural student services office to discuss study abroad options. Having their support can make all the difference.

Funding Your Study Abroad as a DACA Recipient

One of the biggest hurdles for DACA students is securing adequate financial aid and funding to cover the many costs associated with studying abroad. This section explores strategies to offset expenses and make your international program more affordable.

Introduction to Study Abroad Costs

While program fees can vary greatly, be prepared to budget for expenses like:

  • Tuition and fees at your host university abroad
  • Airfare and other transportation costs
  • Room and board (housing, meals)
  • Additional living costs abroad (books, activities, etc.)
  • Traveler’s health insurance and emergency funds

Scholarships and Grants for DACA Students

Thankfully, there are many scholarship and grant opportunities available to undocumented and DACA students interested in studying abroad. These can provide vital financial assistance:

  • Hispanic Scholarship Fund – Offers awards open to DACA recipients
  • Golden Door Scholars: For high-achieving DACA students meeting the criteria
  • LBGT Dreamers Fund Scholarships: Supporting LGBTQ+ DACA community
  • Institutional aid – At your host university and home institution
  • Private scholarships – Online search tools like

You may also qualify for federal financial aid like the FAFSA based on your state’s laws and DACA status. Check current eligibility rules.

Creative Funding Strategies

In addition to scholarships and aid, get creative with other ways to offset study abroad costs:

  • Crowdfunding campaigns to raise money from your community
  • Working part-time or securing work-study employment
  • Applying for paid internships, jobs, or assistantships abroad
  • Seeking discounts or scholarships directly from program providers
  • Choosing more affordable program locations and housing options
  • Fundraising within your local personal and organizational networks

Planning for a Successful Re-Entry

Toward the end of your international studies, you’ll need to properly prepare for re-entry into the United States as a DACA recipient. Planning for this stage is critical.

Overview of the Re-Entry Process

The re-entry process for DACA students involves:

  • Renewing your Advance Parole travel document
  • Understanding procedures at the U.S. port of entry
  • Having all required documentation ready for inspection
  • Preparing for potential interview questioning

Advance Parole Renewal

Well before your program’s end date (aim for 3-6 months prior), you must renew your Advance Parole document to facilitate re-entry. This involves:

  • Filing a renewal application with USCIS
  • Providing updated information and documentation
  • Paying all required filing fees
  • Factoring in lengthy processing timelines and potential delays

Processing times can vary greatly, so submit your renewal as early as possible to avoid complications. Double check all forms carefully to prevent unnecessary rejection.

What to Expect at Port of Entry

When arriving at the U.S. border or airport after international travel, you should anticipate additional inspection as a DACA recipient. Procedures may include:

  • A detailed interview about your travels and background
  • Providing copies of your Advance Parole, transcripts/diplomas, etc.
  • Explaining your reason for travel and ties to your U.S. home
  • Undergoing inspection of your luggage and belongings

It’s important to remain calm, patient, and respectful throughout this process. Communicate your DACA status and the legitimate purpose of your travels. Having all documentation organized and readily available can help things go smoothly.

Additional Considerations

A few other tips to prepare for DACA re-entry:

  • Social media presence: Review accounts to ensure nothing raises red flags
  • Legal counsel: Have contact info for an immigration attorney on hand
  • Emergency funds: Leave extra money for unexpected costs or travel delays

Post-Program Next Steps

Once you’ve successfully re-entered the U.S. after studying abroad, there are a few final housekeeping items:

  • DACA Renewal: Immediately begin the process to renew DACA status and work authorization
  • Employment: Understand any rules around job searching on DACA
  • Academic credits: Request official transcripts from your host university abroad
  • Reverse culture shock: Be prepared to readjust to life back home


Congratulations, you’ve reached the end of our comprehensive guide to studying abroad as a DACA recipient! While the process requires diligent preparation and attention, this incredible experience is well within your reach.

Let’s quickly recap the key takeaways:

  • Start by evaluating your current DACA status, renewal timeline, and eligibility for Advance Parole
  • Research universities and third-party providers with DACA-friendly study-abroad programs
  • Explore scholarships, fundraising, and financial aid options to make your program affordable
  • Plan
  • for Advance Parole renewal, re-entry procedures, and maintaining immigration compliance
  • Be prepared to advocate for yourself and stay up-to-date on any policy changes impacting DACA students

If you have any lingering questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to consult campus DACA student advisors, immigration legal counsel, or experienced program providers. The study abroad community is becoming increasingly supportive of DACA participants.

At the end of the day, stepping outside of your comfort zone and immersing yourself in another culture can be powerfully transformative. You’ll gain global professional experience, lifelong memories, and a broadened worldview. The personal growth and enrichment make the extra effort well worth it.

Start exploring your DACA study abroad options today – the world awaits! Let us know if you have any other questions in the comments below.

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